Monday, April 5, 2010

One chicken at a time....

Well this whole blog thing has been a joy and a little bit of an adventure.

It really has been entertaining to read and comment on everyone's blogs. The funny thing was near the beginning of the semester when no one really knew each other so you didn't really know who the person was commenting on your blog. But as we got to know each other, our personalities really began to show in our blogs and in our comments. That was an interesting development to watch. I really liked watching how our titles to our blogs started out about all the same basic titles related to our topics but then slowly turned into random things. Basically, it was entertaining to watch us go from more formal to informal as we got more comfortable with each other and as we got more lazy (or when we stopped caring).

At first I didnt really care about people reading my blog (or at least I didn't really think about it) until that one time when I got a surprise comment. I had been in a bad mood that day when we had to analyze a book and I decided to be rude about a certain book, and then the author decided to comment on my blog post. Yup that was a humbling moment. I felt really stupid. It was a bit of a slap in the face, reminding me that all of this stuff is open to the public to read and I should probably watch what I write.

Overall I think this blog posting thing was a good idea. It made me think about certain things that I hadn't ever put for conscious thought about. It was espcially helpful for the rhetorical analysis unit when we had to analyze a lot of different mediums of stuff (music, books, ect) to prep us for our rhetorical anylsis papers. And then it was also helpful to have to post our outlines and topic ideas for other papers to help with the writing process for the issues paper. It forced us (or at least a little bit) to not completely write our whole paper and do all of the research for the paper in one night.

As much as I enjoyed writing these blogs, I am not entirely sure how it improved our writing. I think it just aloud us to become very informal and even casual in our writing (like ignoring some grammar and spelling). Because I dont know about anyone else, but I never reread my blog posts before I posted them. But then again if we had to do daily hard writen assignments I think the same situation would occur. So yeah at least these were sometimes fun to do. I would much rather have done blog posts then daily written assignments.


  1. I wrote my extremely informal title before I read this post, so I was laughing to myself while reading this. =] About the book thing - as funny as it was (what were the chances??), I don't think you should beat yourself up over the incident. I don't think you were being rude, but you were just making valid points about what you found lacking in the book, and specifically, why. Authors should be appreciative and accepting of criticism, because that's how they get better. So, no, don't feel stupid. Bit too late to say this now, but write whatever, however you want! ...Wow, hi, long post.

  2. I like being aloud to be informal.

  3. I loved seeing the author comment about your post. Not for the embarrassment that it brought, but just for what you brought up. This was a shock to me when I learned this, but the internet truly is a public forum!!! (Cue dramatic music) Ok, so maybe it wasn't a total shock. But it was interesting to just think about how many different viewpoints there are and how it's great that we can enter into discussion with all these differing viewpoints so easily.

  4. Yes, Jake. Being informal is a grand little thing.

    Aaron and Heidi: Thanks, that makes me feel better about the whole incident. It was great to laugh about though. It is probably something that I won't forget anytime soon.
