Sunday, March 14, 2010

Body Image and the Internet

  • Introduction
*background on body image and new media
*why this is an issue
*thesis statement
*Set parameters for arguement
  • 1st main point: New Media and Body Image
*The invention of movies, tv, and internet
*Advertising begins and is quick and effective
*Twiggy begins to circulate as the ideal woman
*Models begin to show that the ideal woman has a BMI of 18.5.
  • 2nd main point: Advertising on the Internet
*Advertising is used in all mediums
*The different types of advertising
*The use of models in advertising
*Advertising on the internet, interactive advertising.
  • 3rd main point: Psychological Impact of Negative Body Image
*Body images of stick thin models creates an unrealistic goal
*Women are not able to achieve this unrealistic goal
*They see themselves as worthless
*Negative body image and self-esteem
*Health issues with low self-esteem
*Anorexia Nervosa
*Bulimia Nervosa
*"Fad" Diets
  • 4th main point: The advertising of models on the internet and it's impact
*Interactive advertising and models
*Advertisements with skinny models selling weight loss programs
*Amount of time spent on internet is increasing as is the amount of advertising and the impact
  • 5th main point: How to fix the issue
*Programs such as Dove's Campaign for Beauty
*Model regulations, more "real" woman models
*Positive role models for woman
  • Conclusion
* Sum up points
* Restate thesis

1 comment:

  1. I think I moved well from background to issue. I have to set up background for both body image and advertising and the internet as new media. Only after I explained them separately do I combine them to create the main issue. I am not sure if I have enough on the actually issue, because I found more on the components. Although in research last night I found more on the issue and I will add them to my outline as soon as possible.
