Monday, March 15, 2010

Research Outline


  • Maybe start with some statistics on how often people use the computer.
  • Discuss cyber suicide a little bit.
  • Thesis statement about how the internet can have both a positive and negative influence on suicide. Mostly I will focus on how it is negative, yet will discuss some of the good it can do.
First Point-To begin I will start out with how the internet can be a positive source for those who may be struggling.
  • I have statistics and information about an organization and program that helps people over the internet.
Now I will go into why the internet may be a negative influence.

Second Point-Media coverage and it's influences
  • I will begin with reasons why newspapers may be more of an influence on suicide than other media. The reasons that are given are ones that could be paralleled to the internet so I have made that connection.
  • I have a book, edited by Keith Hawton, that talks about some things that make media influential. All of the reasons are characteristics that the internet has.
  • Statistics on search engines and how easy it is to access information that might influence people negatively concerning suicide.
  • One story, of many, that shows media coverage may result in increased suicide rates or at least people copying the method reported.
  • In general the internet just makes so much information accessible which can be dangerous.
  • I'm not sure if I'll put it in this part of the text, but I am going to talk about how using the internet too much may increase vulnerability to suicide....of course this would be an extreme example. I have a quote about this.
  • Also I want to talk about how the media can improve so that it does not have such a negative influence.
Third Point
  • I am going to talk about how there are many sites out there that give too much information and may even encourage suicide.
  • I am going to focus specifically on blogs and chat rooms that may encourage suicide too.
Fourth Point
  • I am going to discuss the connection between cyber bullying and suicide.
  • I have stats about cyber bullying and how much of an issue it is.
  • I will probably talk about networking and how it can connect with this issue.
  • I will probably put a good quote in that I have about the internet and the dangers, yet also potential, it has with the issue of suicide.
  • Once again I will give my view on how the internet needs to be improved because it has so much negativity, but so much good too that can be focused on.
  • If appropriate I may give some personal words on how suicide is such a tragic thing and how important an impact the internet can be. It needs to be used for good!

1 comment:

  1. Right now I think that I mainly address the opposing views in the beginning and end of my paper. It might be a good idea for me to put a few more points throughout the paper so that the ideas connect better and are more organized.
