Monday, March 15, 2010

The Social Effect of Online Gaming

Social Effects of Online Gaming

1) Introduction

a) The social effects that online gaming is having on society

i) Massive online gaming is effecting society mentally and morally is it a positive effect or negative

2) What online gaming is and the social structure with in it

a) World of Warcraft

i) The recent trends and news coverage with this game

ii) Testimonials

3) The Addiction

a) Why its addictive

b) Immediate effects of addiction

4) The mental effects

a) Aggression

b) The effects on the individual and Society

i) Lack of social skill in personal life and business world

5) The Moral Effects

a) Lacking sense of reality

i) Being able to start over theory

ii) “life is a game”

b) Churches stance

6) The Conclusion

State my theses for the first time with a short recap of the points I have brought up

1 comment:

  1. well I don't think I out lined this well enough to say its close to any of the options... I feel I really need to put in some of the counter arguments.
