Monday, March 15, 2010


The increase in usage of social networking sites is causing the relationships among peers to be strained because of the fake confidence given to the users by these sites.

I. Introduction

a. hook: a question about facebook, or internet usage etc
b. talk about the popularity of social networking sites
c. relationships are always connected now and you can access info or people all the time

d. Thesis statement.

II. Popularity of social networking sites

a. how usage has increased
b. connects people all the time
c. major form of social interaction amongst peers
d. socializing and information is spread through these sites

III. Fake Self confidence given by using these sites

a. can portray yourself any way you want
b. how many “friends” you have
c. use of pictures and other types of media to enhance yourself
d. “so much cooler online”

IV. Negative effect on relationships

a. because of fake confidence, you say things you normally wouldn’t say to someone’s face
b. breaks the social contract among people
c. cyber bullying
d. online privacy rights


a. lasting effects social network sites are having on relationships
b. reinstating thesis

1 comment:

  1. i need to provide counterarguments and more audience rebuttals, also maybe add another point after negative effect on relationships because i don't know if i have enough right now to write 8-10 pages. maybe do a whole section on cyber bullying... just an idea
