Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pro abortionists are Pro life too??

I was trying to decide on what would be a good persuasive website. I wasn't sure what to look for then I thought, "hey, what about a controversial issue? There are tons of sites about them". SO...I looked up abortion sites and found this one. It is definitely a persuasive site. http://www.abortionisprolife.com/ Well first off one of the biggest things about it was the first quote. It is from Ayn Rand, who is a pretty controversial book writer. I've read one of her books. Well it trashes the other side, and makes you think about your stance on the issue. "Abortion is a moral right—which should be left to the sole discretion of the woman involved; morally, nothing other than her wish in the matter is to be considered. Who can conceivably have the right to dictate to her what disposition she is to make of the functions of her body? " Ok and the quote from Ayn Rand changes every time you go to the home page, so this may not be the exact quote you see. Then the next is a link to a doctor who has the best 10 minute argument for abortion. It then proceeds to gives links to sites that will give you all of the latest arguments for it, all of the frequently asked questions AND the student resource section. All a student could ever need or want to know to write a paper. The papers themselves really dig hard at people against abortion. "Abortion-rights advocates should not cede the terms "pro-life" and "right to life" to the anti-abortionists. It is a woman's right to her life that gives her the right to terminate her pregnancy.The weakness is the site itself isn't very aesthetic. It isn't really convincing itself.
The other websites on the blog post page were ok. The one that was the most convincing was the one on social networking. It combines the text with other types of media such as videos or pictures. The negative link that showed the negative effects like split personalities...sounds horrid.


  1. I think its so interesting the power we put behind appellations. abortion rights advocates don't call them selves Anti-life but rather pro-choice. those against don't call themselves anti-choice but rather pro-life. and this website has a whole segment about not ceding the terms to "the other side". there is power in what you call things and they know that.

  2. Mikhaela I found your post to be very interesting! I think it is so interesting even when someone can strongly oppose something... If someone uses rhetoric well enough, its hard to disagree with at first and you have to take a step back and think about your own opinion again.

  3. That is exactly how I felt looking at it. I felt somewhat wanting for words to say.

  4. All I can say about this is that people are gross.
