Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Health care and Virtual Reality

So the non-student website i decided to look at was health care. which seems like a pretty easy one for right now. the website i used was which the white house website that talks about the health care agenda. being a government website the presentation looks very neat and straight forward. all the most important points are in bold so as to bring out their meaning. this also has video links, which is like the student essay is which i saw about virtual living. they both have video that try and expound on the topic and they are a lot both haveof hyper links. how ever the white house website has more of an ethos appeal, because it is after all the president. they don't put any effort into citing sources because they are the experts on the issue. i also think the color layout, basic blue and white of the government website gives it a more authoritative feel then the student website. Also the calligraphy of the white house has is more formal.


  1. The presentation and layout of the website makes sense, because it is a government website it should look professional and official. Does the website exlore the other side of the healthcare debate or just focus on the benefits of this new legislation? Just wondering....

  2. keeps it classy. And no, they don't cover both sides of the issue, it's supposed to be a vehicle for Obama's policies, not an impartial news source.
