Monday, March 1, 2010

I have horrible titles for these blogs....

Plagerism is simply the stealing of ideas. And stealing is wrong. What happened to "Thou shalt not steal"? Plagerism is huge. Especially on the internet because it is so easy to simply copy and paste something from a webpage onto a word document and call it yours. We have to site our sources to clear all doubt that this was not your idea and that you are not taking it from someone else. If nothing was ever sited we would never know what was credible information and what wasn't. Siting sources allows the credit to go to those who deserve it (or those who shouldn't deserve credibility for stupid ideas) and builds their credibility and their authority (or decreases). Avoiding plagerisms keeps the writen world in order. There are laws for a reason. They keep order and stability and in the end laws make us free when they are obeyed.


  1. In junior high, I knew of a teacher that never perused his student's take-home essays. It was widely known (among the students)that everyone in his class would actually just copy and paste text from the internet to make up most of if not the entire content of their essays. I never thought that this was fair myself, and I agree with you that plagiarism is giving credit to those who don't deserve it.

  2. I wonder who is more at fault for the junior high teacher. Is it the students becuase they are doing serious plagerism or is it the teacher becuase he isn't enforcing the law/rules/whatever you want to call them or is it both parties at fault?

  3. Junior high kids don't have souls yet; I'd definitely lay more of the blame on the teacher.
