Friday, January 8, 2010

Community Issues

1. One issue that is debated within my community is the question of is it okay to take food out of the cafeteria when you are not supposed to. Of course that may seem to be an obvious no but there are many good people who do it so I wonder if they think it is okay.
2. Another thing that could be an issue with students in my dorm is why they will soon not be allowed to leave their bags by the wall, as they always have been able to, before they go in to eat in the cafeteria.
3. One thing that we debated within a class was if the class should use iclickers. Students were able to voice their opinion along with the teacher informing them of the benefits of both options.
4. In a meeting held with some of the residents in my hall we also talked about how technically leggings are not an appropriate substitute when the dress doesn’t come to the knee. This issue could be argued because many people around campus may not be aware of this rule so they wear short dresses with leggings. Also some may say that this rule is unnecessary because leggings are modest enough for the Honor Code.


  1. 4) Wearing leggings with a skirt or dress that doesn't go down to the knees is against the modesty part of the honor code. leggings go under the "no tight or revealing clothing" part. becuase leggings are so tight all it basically is, is changing the color of your skin. so therfore failing to wear clothing down to your knees over the leggings is failing the honor code. it is like wearing a mini skirt but with different colored legs instead of the normal skin color. does that make any sense?

  2. Yes that makes sense, but many people do not realize that or may argue it so it can be somewhat of an issue. Maybe better informing the students could help.

  3. I agree with both Courtney and Chelsea. It is against the honor code. I have a hard time seeing people not dressing to the honor code because before they came here they knew what was expected of them. So if they weren't planning on following it then why not just pick a different school? Lastly I just don't think the honor code is that hard to follow. For the first issue, I think as long as you are eating the food as you are walking out then it should be allowed. It would be very nice if you where running late. Then the second issue is about the backpacks. We left our backpacks there all semester, to me it did not seem like a big deal. Now they aren't letting us because of the risks of getting something stolen. But I feel like it should be our choice, we knoe the consequences. Then the lockers they do have don't even have enough room for a full backpack. What are your thoughts on the issues?

  4. I think it would be nice if they would let you finish eating something real quick as you were walking out the door, but I can understand their reasoning because they have to draw the line somewhere. Also I was thinking the same thing about the backpacks; it's nice they don't want people to steal our things, but that is our choice if we want to take that risk.

  5. The problem with allowing people to eat as the walk out the door is that they risk peopel just taking food out of there and storing it away or giving it to people or what-not. But I understand about the running late thing.

    I think that not allowing student to leave their back packs in the hall is just going to cause more problems and more inconvience for the students. But I think maybe one reason why they are not allowing it anymore is becuase they have had a lot of complaints from students about things getting stolen even when they should have known better. They did take the risk and they should have known the consequences of their actions.

    Question: do they not allow you to take your backpacks into the cafeteria?
