Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Kids Growing up too Fast

The possible issue I could use:
This world of technology and media, more and more often you will see a little kid with a cell phone texting away or a ten year old girl trying to dress like an adult, with the low cut tight jeans and pedicured/manicured nails, and hair done up in an adult style. The media and technology are everywhere you go. You can't escape it unless you choose to decide to go to some remote location. Kids in elementray school do not need to get a cell and be texting their friends. They should be outside talking and playing with one another. Even in middle school and beginning high school they don't need one. The only reason I can think of why a young person would need a cell phone would be if they had a car and/or a job. Kids are loosing the ability of how to have a real converstation face to face becuase instead they are texting away or chatting on MySpace or Facebook. Also, more and more the ideals of the media are being thrust down the thrust, almost willingly, of children. It doesn't help the kids are watching more and more television and being sucked into the unrealistic realistc world of the media. Young girls are convinced that in order to be like or loved they most match the definition of beauty that the media portrays. Again, we are seeing kids in elementary school in boyfriend-girlfriend relationships. They don't need that but it is happening everywhere; they shouldn't even think about getting a boy/girlfriend until they are in high school at least. I also here of stories of little children in kingergarten classes getting the "sex talk." That "talk" we wouldn't get until 5th or 6th grade. Also we see that we are putting children into more activities and groups and sports to the point they hardly have time for anything; there is no down time. As a society we are indirectly and directly forcing or children to grow up faster and faster and in return stealing away precious years of childhood. Having a childhood and being able to play as a child is an important time for growing up and we are talking that away.

The audience:
The main audience I would like to be able to direct this too is towards parents and pre-teen/middle school kids (about ages 8-13). A lot of what kids do and act is through they way their parents raise them. If I can raise the awarness of this issue to parents and have them understand what is happening then maybe parents could find a way to improve the way they are raising their children. If I could somehow get the idea into the hormonally filled head of a teenager then mayber I could influence them to slow down their lives and realize the things they may have now is something that don't really need.

Some ways that I could get to the audience would be through the use of new media such as Facebook or Myspace groups or pages, or find blogs that parents use and could see. Using one sentence liners would be affective for the younger ages and using more small paragraphs for the parents. We could also bring the issue straight into the classrooms of young students, like they do for anti-drug usage. Short ads on tv would works as well (like they do for anti-drug usage). The list goes on and on.


  1. As the famous Chuck E Cheese slogan says, "where a kid can be a kid." This slogan should be adopted for all of America. Children have the right to their childhood. But to be more effective I think you should focus more on reaching out to parents rather than preteens. Like you said they are hormonal and maybe not mature enough to understand the importance of this topic. But it's the parents that should realize the importance of treasuring their children's childhood.

  2. I really like your ideas for the genres and think they sound appropriate for the audiences you want to reach. I think that you may want to think about how to really persuade the kids because they probably will just want to feel grown up and it would be hard to change their minds. I like your ideas though!

  3. Thanks. You guys have some good points. They more I think about it the more I think it would be best to just address the parents and adults who influence the youth of today.

  4. I agree with Amanda, focus on the parents because they are the ones with the most influence over their children's lives (but by your last post, it sounds like you've already figured that out). This is a difficult topic to tackle, how do you slow down and make people enjoy the stage of life that they are in? Good luck!

  5. Chelsea, excellent points. I'm so glad you wrote about this. And I was just going to stress the importance of reaching the parents, because kids probably aren't a fan of this idea, but now I see this has already been mentioned. Although I would like to bring up genre. I know that this would be difficult to carry out in real life, but I think some effective genres could be a commercial, a billboard, or any type of poster. I'm imagining a commercial right now, of some little kids making prank calls with a cell phone or looking up things they shouldn't on the internet on their phones, and then some saying flashing across the screen about kids not being mature enough to own phones. Cheesey, but that's how my brain works haha.

  6. Lydia, I think that is great idea! I could definitely use somehting like that for our assignment
