Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Should Old People Really Be Allowed to Drive?

I've decided that issue over allowing old people allowed to drive is something that America needs to decide. Some believe that a set age needs to be the cut off for driving while other believe that it is everyone's right and freedom to drive as long as they want. I believe that the current drivers license allowances are too relaxed. People need to be tested more to make sure they are still capable of driving safely. Especially old people, medical reports show that as you age your body and brain aren't as sharp as they use to be. We need to make sure are roads are safe. My main genre is the media. And to raise awareness of the issue, advertisements such as commercials and bill boards are effective. My audience will be to the adults of America.


  1. I'm just going to offer some things to think about. What other sources of media would be useful to use? Certainly ads and billboards can spread the message you want, but what can you personally do? You may want to write an editorial to a newspaper, or even write to a Congressman asking what is being done (or what could be done) about this issue.

  2. For obvious reasons your audience is going to increasingly difficult to convince the older they get. Old people are like drunk drivers in the fact that no one thinks they alone is too impaired to drive.

  3. I was thinking the same thing as Troy. Not only is your audience adults but a lot of them will be the old people you are trying to not let drive. How are you going to convince them to not drive and let go of their freedom. With your genres, how are you going to get it to these old people. It probably won't be safe to have it on a bill board, since they have enough of a hard time driving.

  4. Thanks for your comments, i've really taken them into thought and plan on kind oh changing my paper based on them. I want people to be concerned about safety on the roads.
