Friday, January 8, 2010

Community Issues in S.A.

When they rebuilt the Sports Center, the seats were 2/3’s bigger than the previous size. Texas has a huge population of teenage parents. I have personally witnessed many pregnant teens while in high school. The community has an increasing amount of night clubs and bars that seem to crop up out of nowhere daily. This is increasing the chance that many more drunk accidents will occur. In the same way the drug dealing and substance abuse that goes on is increasing and seems to hit kids of younger and younger ages.


  1. I feel that one of the biggest reasons for all the pregnant teens is the huge lack of moral standards in out country which started in the entertainment industry but is now very pubic in our government and society.

  2. Tell me somebody else caught that.

  3. Kevin-somebody caught what?
    fulmes- I agree, I think it started with Gone With the Wind. that movie had the first swear word. It slowly progressed from there. Although I am not condemning Gone with the Wind. That would have happened anyway.

  4. that the lack of moral standards is now very "pubic". I don't know, it seemed apt.
