Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So, one of my favorite things to do is reader my older sister's blog. She is such a great writer, in my opinion, and loves to write (as she is a news producer in Oregon). I always go to her blog when I want to read or be inspired about life and be motivated to keep going. This particular post is titled "Quirk, Quirk, Quirk it Out..." and is all about her quirks, all the things that make her who she is. I believe that because she is so open, honest and clear about her life and herself in general, the writing is beautiful. It's raw and emotional. To me, that is some of the most amazing and effective writing.

Favorite Lines:
"The older I get the more I think Little Women may be my favorite book. It's certainly not the most intellectual book I've ever read, nor the one that stretched my thoughts of the world the most -- but it is among the most honest and sincere things I've ever read. I love it. I can read it over and over again and not get tired of it. And no matter how many times I read it, or what your debate for the ending is ... I always have/do/will believe that Jo should have ended up with Laurie."


  1. haha Braden I think that if i was to think of a family that would produce fun writers with unique styles and voice.... it would be yours. To bad I never got to meet your older sister. but I to enjoy a paper that had conviction, even when I don't agree with the subject being talked about. Its more enjoyable to read.

  2. oh and your sister had a great way of closing the gap between the reader and writer.
