Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Down on Yourself?

Please forgive me for using a Mormon Ad. I know some of you are thinking that Chelsea is lame for doing this. But you know what? I like Mormon Ads and I think they have good messages. So with that in mind, lets both put aside our differences and move on with our lives.

We all know the story about the ugly duckling (who ironically wasn't even a duckling). The point of the story was that here we have someone who is considered ugly and regeted because he/she doesn't seem to fit in. But later, after a lot of time, the once ugly someone is now magestic, magnifisant and beautiful.

Then there is the mirror. It represents what how we view or see ourselves.

Also, notices the background colors. On one side of the mirror it is black and the other side is light and bright colors. I believe that this is a use of symbolism again. The dark colors representing the negative feelings we have about ourselves, and in contrast the light colors as emotions of what we should be feeling or what we will feel in the future when we become like God.

Often times in our own lives we will feel like we aren't "beautiful." We aren't tall enough, we aren't pretty enough, we aren't strong enough, extra. We then see ourselves as something we aren't; ugly.

This image is trying to protray to us that we are "beautiful" and we should see ourselves as such. We are spirit sons and daughters of God. And God is perfect so therefore he also has a perfect body which means that we will also have one someday as well. And being his sons and daughters means that our spirits must also begin as beautiful. Even though right now our bodies aren't perfect and we may appear to be "ugly", we really aren't. We should see ourselves as what we will be instead of what we are.

The bottom caption reads "Reflect on this: You are a child of God. With His help, you can reach your great potential. (See Rom. 8:16–17.)

Right now we aren't perfect but someday we will be.
So dont' be so down on yourself.

Image by: Graham Ford/Getty Images; Mormon Ads; http://library.lds.org/nxt/gateway.dll/Magazines/NewEra/2003.htm/new%20era%20january%202003.htm/new%20era%20poster.htm


  1. But if we learned anything from "The Stinky Cheese Man", it's that sometimes really ugly ducklings just grow up to be really ugly ducks.

  2. I agree with Kevin on this one... :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "The Stinky Cheese Man" ?? Sorry I don't know that one...

  5. I'm with Chelsea. I love Mormon Ads. This one boosts my self-esteem :D

  6. I love this picture so much! Great analysis too Chelsea.

  7. The Stinky Cheese Man, what a classic! For those of you who don't know what it is, RUN to the juvenile section of the library and check it out. Chelsea, I liked your analysis. I usually only glance at Mormon Ads, but by taking a closer look at it you can see how much thought actaully goes into them.
