Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What do Mormons believe?

A. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a website for people who are not members of the church: www.mormon.org. The purpose of this website is to introduce people to the Church in a way that provides them with information about Church beliefs . I believe that the website has been set up to give people an accurate picture about the Church and give people access to religious teachings that will enrich their lives and lead them to truth.
B. I feel that this website is effective in it's purpose. I have heard of people who have seen this website and it has helped them on many different levels. The website breaks down Latter-day Saint teachings and Christian doctrine in such a way that it can appeal to all people.
C. This is an important kairotic text. This website stands as a firm assertion of the Church's beliefs in a time when they have been demeaned, misrepresented, and obscured. This website officially presents what the Church believes so that anybody can understand it.
D. Rhetorical Devices
a. Tone: the tone of www.mormon.org is very soft and gentle. There is no name-calling or acerbic language in the way the Church presents it's message. Ex. "Good people and much truth remained, but the gospel as established by Jesus Christ was lost, resulting in a period called the Great Apostasy. "
b. Diction: the choice of words for the website is very important. My experience as a missionary taught me that many of the terms we use so casually are unheard of to most of the rest of the world. In order to make the message clear and understandable, the Church used simple, yet powerful, diction. Ex. "In this vision God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith.  The Savior told Joseph not to join any of the churches, for they 'were all wrong'."
c. Rhetorical Questions: the opening page of the website features rhetorical questions that engage the reader and allow them to ponder the subjects. They then provide information to try and help the reader answer those questions. Ex. "Does God really know me?" "What is the purpose of my life?"
d. Allusion: the most common allusion on the website are references to scripture. These give authority to the messages and provide the reader with evidence to back up the website's claims. Ex. Look here
E. New Media Devices
a. Hypertextuality: the website has links to church publications, Youtube videos, and the scriptures. The links are there to help the reader gain a broader understanding of Church beliefs.
b.Appropriation: this website borrows the "Mormon Messages" Youtube videos, General Conference messages, words of the General Authorities, and Church music. This is done to give the reader a deep well of information from which to draw on. It also employs different media types in order to engage readers on different levels and to help create an emotional attachment.


  1. Is there anywhere on the web site that talks about people who oppose the church/tried to clear up mis-conceptions? If so, mayeb you should include that in your analysis.

  2. They do have "Mormon Myth" video hosted by Steve Young. Maybe I could talk about that. Thanks
