Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hey you want to go on a virtual date!? :)

1. World Of Warcraft... I have never personally played this game but had plenty of missionary companion that did that filled me in more than enough! haha but really would be interested to see the effects this has one especially the raising generation and 1. obesity 2. anti socialism from the "real world" 3. social disorders. (everyone that plays this game seems to be heavy addicted)

2. Facebook and its effects on relationships between people. It seems that in some cases it can be used as a positive tool to stay in contact with lost friends and to see Pictures of Family and Friends far away.... yet haha sadly its used more to simply have a "relationship" with your friends that live down the street!

3. Cell phones. It seems like everyone (including myself) cant live with out a cell phone. And particularly with their texting abilities. And I think that this had big effects on the youths and young adults abilities to have actually "real conversation" (especially on dates, haha I have met people who are great talkers with a girl over text, but when they don't have time to think of what to say and its real time... they collapse lol)


  1. It is a sad world out there Ty. I am just waiting for the day when people no longer leave their homes and instead live off of chips and water and stare at a computer screen all day long.

  2. world of warcraft is a plague. if you pick that as your topic i have a book all about the economics and effects of the game.

  3. hey go check out that article jake posted on "so much cooler online". its perfect.

  4. oh Troy I think that im going to actually do it on World Of Warcraft..... could you bring that book on friday! :)

  5. I liked all of your ideas. There is so much to research on all of them, and they all have such relation to new media. You could go really narrow with them too, great ideas.

  6. We worked with a dude on the mish who played WoW... he was so proud of how many hours he had logged, and after one visit we went home and calculated how much he had played: if he bought it the day it came out, he had spent eight hours a day, seven days a week, for three years.

    His teeth were black little stumps, he was unemployed, and he had a wife and a kid living in a little apartment. It was really sad.

  7. all those ideas are really good and I think they would all be interesting. I think the first one would be interesting, just because my brother wanted to get that game way bad but my mom wouldn't let him. But it's so true how some people just have a harder time talking if it's not through texting or facebook. They were all be very interesting to look up on.

  8. i think videogames can be fun but it's a major turn off when thats all guys do!
