Tuesday, February 23, 2010


1. How is new media influencing civilization? Science fiction writers and sociologists have written countless jeremiads about the damage that technology is doing (or will do) to our civilization, but I'm not so sure that's true. We're different than our grandparents and great-grandparents, certainly, but I don't think the change is all bad.

2. Is new media destroying the English language? One of the terrors of George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984 was the deliberate abbreviation and simplification of the English language, in order to diminish the citizens' capacity for abstract thought. If one's language is insufficient to express ideas like justice, freedom, or faith, then the mind has no symbols around which to organize such thoughts, and no means of conveying them to others. In our world, these words have not been eliminated, but by overuse and misuse they have almost lost their meaning. It seems likely that modern Americans' inability to speak or write intelligently is linked to their increasing inability to think intelligently.

3. What is the impact of new media on the public discourse? One of the great challenges to American democracy is the massive expense of disseminating one's ideas to a population of 300 million people spread across a continent. New media enables political candidates and pundits to spread their ideas without vast reserves of cash or Mephistophelian deals with special interest groups. This equalization of opportunity has its cost, however; for every great thinker who is empowered to communicate in this way, there are a thousand bigots and lunatics with exactly the same power, drowning him out.


  1. Number three reminds me of the discussion we had in class about how even though public access may seem like it is helping people have a voice it may not be as effective. There are so many people throwing out their comments that people who take it seriously still have to do a lot to get to someone who can make a change. Also I think number two would be interesting. Some things about new media may be helping language, but it seems to be hurting it a lot too I agree.

  2. Number two... I know what you mean! It's something that bothers me too. Have you ever read "The Once and Future King" by T.H. White? There's a scene set in an ant nest which reminds me somewhat of 1984. The only words to convey one's feelings about something are to say whether it's "done" or "not-done". Scary stuff.

  3. Number one:
    Just like everything (or most everything) else, there is a good side to it and a bad side. It all depends on how technology is being used. I mean for example there is the Church who is using it to spread the gosple abroad and there are the scumbags who are using it for porn. It all depends. It would be interesting to hear what you think of this topic.

  4. "The Once and Future King" is one of those books we had to read in English class in middle school, so naturally I refused. Maybe I should take another crack at it.
