Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Glenn Beck "targeting your kids article"

I have chosen to Rhetorically Analyze Glenn Beck with an emphasis on a piticular page on his web cite that is entitled “Progressives are targeting your kids”

The Rhetorical Purpose of this page and text is to raise a awareness to mainly parents of children in the United States but also to try to show the youth of the nation Glenn Becks view on what Obama is trying to do. Glenn is hoping to have his audience “open their eyes” and try and stop allowing the youth of the nation to be manipulated.

B. For the part of his Audience that will be the parents of the youth, this text and show might be able to have a actually strong effect. Because of the way he is able to really relate with that Audience better. But as for the youth side of his Audience… many of them might be offended by his blunt comments and use of Rhetoric, thus becoming less effective. But I think he is targeting the Parents more.

C. The Kairos of this page is ha ha definitely controversial. Glenn uses many things that help draw people into what he is saying using props and other literary devices. But at the same time it can be over that top to many thus turning them off. It does seem to come at the right time though seeing how there is a increase in opinion on the family even to were there are super bowl commercials about it.

D. Rhetorical Devises

a. Diction – Glenn very clearly makes sure the audience knows how he feels! Glenn uses word and phrases many would never use simply so that it is very clear that his audience know clearly and plainly what is going on and who he feels about it! To some that helps them understand and see his views and again… with others it can turn them off

i. Example: “Maybe I am just turning into my grandfather, maybe Iam the grumpy old man. But I think Meghan McCain is right: Revolutions are started by the youth. And I think some aging '60s radical hippies know that.”

b. Figurative Language – ha ha this would be one of Glenn’s biggest tools he uses! He really seems to like to make what he says memorable using very figurative language. This again hits home with some viewer and others it really turns off.

i. Example: “I feel like I'm becoming my grandfather: You kids today! You just don't get it. We used to sleep on razor-wire beds and eat nails for breakfast. And we liked it!

c. Rhetorical Question – Glenn uses these to stir up agreement with in his audience on what he is saying.

i. Example: “What do those stupid 65-year-olds know, anyway?”

d. Imagery – This one Glenn again uses very often usually as he is using sarcasm. This really seems to help draw his audience in… haha but again Glenn uses it in sometimes a over kill nature turning off many.

i. Example : You kids today! You just don't get it. We used to sleep on razor-wire beds and eat nails for breakfast. And we liked it!”

E. Some two other things Glenn uses in this Video link he has to his show… are one Props… which help keep the audience interested and also finding humor to what is being said. Also Glenn Uses the use of Contrast in many of his shows using charts and chalkboards to show the contrast between other countries and ours. And this really helps the audience who are a little less educated get a better understanding of what is being said.


  1. What kind of things does Beck use to draw people in within the kairos moment? Also what audience do you think he might be turning off? How? That is an interesting comment about the superbowl commercials.

  2. What is Glenn really trying to do to the audience? What is his real purpose in the way he uses rhetoric?

  3. Thank you for your comment Braden and Courtney... Braden I will try to not be so ambiguous!

  4. I think Glenn Beck really utilizes kairos in all of his articles. They address issues currently being debated. You say he sees to show a lot of the same rhetorical devices, does he use other ones as well.

  5. He is trying to get the parents to not allow Obama's Organization manipulate their children to not trust in there parents and their experienced knowledge and rather have them think that anything older is out dated and needs to be changed.
