Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Passion...s...of the Aaron

1.) Drumming...drumming...drumming...more drumming
2.) World War II
3.) Korean War
4.) Music
5.) African-American Politicians
6.) The Honor Code
7.) Ethnocentrism of America
8.) American muscle cars or trucks
9.) Partisanship of government
10.) Canada

Yes, I know I am a nerd when it comes to history. I can't and won't help it.


  1. I am glad that you are willing to stand up for the Honor Code. Not many people are willing to openly admit it to be one of their passions. Way to be Aaron.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. YAY!!! Another history geek! Are you a history major? I'm a history teaching major and I love it!

  4. I have always admired the drum line, Aaron. Especially the basses. Coolest section ever, and possibly the one with the largest amount of talent.

  5. Finally, somebody recognizes the awesomeness of the 5 individuals, each playing a separate part while collectively playing one part.
