Sunday, February 28, 2010


"bad" site:
"good" site:

In truth, I don't think either site is better than the other, they just serve different purposes. And since the assignment was to find credible and non-credible sources for writing a paper, I chose one site that would be perfect for research information, and one site that wouldn't.. so much. The first site is a blog, of someone I know actually, and it is kind of like a campaign for midwives and homebirths.. all natural with herbs sort of thing. The blog is set up quite nicely and very organized, but it is filled with personal stories, opinions, and specific personal experiences--not and ideal source to write a detailed argument-based research paper with hard facts to support your claim. The second source is very organized with research, experiment analysis', graphs, footnotes, and other useful things. It's full of information that can be helpful in forming your own unique argument and using hard facts for support.


  1. The second source seems really good. I'm always happy to find signs of research in a source, and finding an actual report seems really helpful!

  2. It's interesting how a site is credible/not credible simply because of your purpose or audience. If you were researching the experiences different mothers had had, then the first site might have more merit.
