Friday, February 12, 2010

Glenn Beck

For my Rhetorical Analysis I have chosen to analyze Glenn Beck on one of his more specific articles on his web page (I have not chosen a specific one yet)... The main reason behind this being whether you like him or not, He is full of rhetoric and uses New Media to its almost extreme. Glenn uses many different things on his web page such as images or videos that the audience can view for themselves. He also uses MANY different props on his show which add to the points he is trying to make. I think his show and web page are designed this way because it gets attention and thats his hope... to get people to notice what he is saying and think about it (again regardless if you like him or not). I think that Glenn Beck is interesting in that his audience is generally conservative because of his extreme conservativeness, yet its quite the current issue between conservatives on wether they like him or not. Some reasons for that being that he uses rhetoric to its extremes some would say over the top. In my paper I will be analyzing more specifically of the audiences responses to his use of rhetoric and new media. Also I will also analyze reasons why he might be using the areas and levels of rhetoric he does.

1 comment:

  1. Glenn Beck is awesome for rhetorical analysis. He is a great example of new media, seeing as he specialized in politics. Have you ever seen the cover to his books? Hilarious!
