Friday, February 5, 2010

The Hunger Games.

Awhile back there was a post about the book The Hunger Games. Everyone was saying how good it was and I had also heard that from my mom so I decided to look up a reveiw for it. I found the reveiw at by Elizabeth Bird. At the end of her post she says this book will either "remain an unappreciated cult classic for years to come or it will be fully appreciated right from the start and lauded." The point of her writing the review is to get people to appreciate this book. She starts out writing how Suzane Collins, the author, has been holding out on us. Right of the bat I am starting to wonder what she is talking about. She goes on to say how this is not just a regular fun adventure book, but more. Elizabeth just adds so much feeling for this book it just makes me want to read it just by the first paragraph, when she is talking about how after she finished the book and felt like she was part of it. She then goes on to sumerize the book, but thankfully without giving away anything important. In the next paragraph she comments on how the plot isn't super orignal but is still so different because of how the author wrote it. The complexity of choosing who to root for makes you even more involved in the story says Elizabeth. The rest of the review talks about the humor the author uses and talks of the age range for who should read it. She also points out how this book will be a good seller because the two main characters are a guy and a girl, not one or the other. Elizabeth did a wonderful job of analyzing the book, she added her own insight but looked out for the reader. She pointed out that there is violence but how it is an amazing book. She made me definately want to read it!


  1. This was a great review of the Hunger Games! I enjoyed how the author of the review hooked the reader by explaining some of the plot and how it is similar to past adventure books, yet very different. The difference in this book and other typical adventure novels is that Collins is able to write in a compelling way, a way that makes the reader feel like they can't put the book down or they will somehow change the fate of the characters. I love this series and I highly recommend that you read it!!

  2. I will definately have to read it! The review made me want to even more!
