Monday, February 8, 2010

Rhetorical Question

Rhetorical Question: When you ask a question that doesn't necessarily need a reply.

(said by a teacher to class) Do you really want more homework?

Geico asks rhetorical questions in campaign

Another example is "Hey, how are you?" when people say this in passing without even waiting for a response or really thinking about the individual it becomes like a rhetorical question.


  1. Do you really believe that I would stoop in my writing to use a rhetorical question?

  2. I see what you did there. I never really stopped to think about the "Hey, how are you?" but it is so true.

  3. "it only seems rhetorical because you don't have an answer. -house

  4. I read this this morning and that last statement is so true. I think its funny, because I never know if I should answer them or not because they are already far away from me. So, way to notice it is a rhetorical question!

  5. Jake, what? I like rhetorical questions. Do you believe that quote, Troy? Rhetorical questions are great! They make you think!! I'd never considered how are you a rhetorical question. Usually I think of them as deeper and meaningful.
