Monday, February 8, 2010


Tone is the means in which an author projects a unique mood and attitude through precise word choice.

Example 1 (rexaled gangsta tone.. not really, but I try):
Yo bro, meet my pal Lydz, she's the bomb!

Example 2 (more like a list of tone words):
animated, arrogant, awestruck, admiring, befuddled, benevolent, compliant, cautionary, callous, docile, derisive, dispassionate, demeaning, excited, empathetic, frivolous, fuming, ghoulish, grim, gullible, gentle, hard, hard-hearted, indignant, intimate, impressionable, sulking, impartial, ironic, joyous, loving, malicious, mocking, modest, mourning, mean-spirited, naive, nasty, obsequious, optimistic, outspoken, pompous, pragmatic, patronizing, philosophical, persuasive,
reflective, resentful, restrained

For more where that came from, go to


  1. That's a surprisingly accurate rendition of how we talk n da hood.

  2. Haha, thanks.
    I don't really know if gangsta is a tone, but relaxed is right? ;)

  3. Oh gangsta is definitely a relaxed mind released tone.
