Monday, February 1, 2010

Superman (it's not easy)

This song is called Superman (It's Not Easy) by Five for Fighting. It talks about what it would be like to be superman. People only see a superhero but don't see the man beneath. As it says "even hero's has the right to bleed." The song appeals to your emotions by showing the side of hero you normally wont see. It makes you feel for the man who has to put on a strong face but feels just as weak as everyone else. He wants to be seen as "more then bird, more then a plane, more then some silly face beside a train".
The artist asks you why doesn't this man deserve the same right to weakness that you have. The song makes you question the stereotypes that you expect to see in a "superman". He uses both pathos and logos to try and get his point across that from superman's perspective "it's not easy to be me".


  1. This one is on the top 10 of my favorite songs list. Often people only see what is on the outside and never see what is really gone on underneath. Everyone feels pain and everyone is being judge and judging others. And there are some poeple out there who are literally faking a smile so no one has to see the pain beneath. It is a sad reality. We all need to stop judging appearences for this very reason that the song strongly portrays

  2. I enjoy this song a lot also! It really does appeal to your pathos and makes you think of how it must be so hard to be superman. I like your analysis and how you brought up the emotion of the song.

  3. Without reading Chelsea's comment I thought the exact same thing. How many times do we just hide who we really are or are really feeling, and if we are then others are probably also. So agreeing with Chelsea we need to not judge, because we have no idea what people are dealing with. So I think he does a good job at Pathos because we can all relate, or at least I can.

  4. I agree with the Chelsea/ie(s), this song is able to show how even people who seem perfect on the inside need our help. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from President Monson about how the most important things in our lives almost always involve the people around us. We just need to look for those that are in need. Great analysis!

  5. His quote works really good with this song, and it's so true!
